Old is gold: Singapore HDBs older than 10 years drive price growth in Q1
Flats between 10 and 20 years old recorded the highest price growth of 11.1%.
Old is gold: Singapore HDBs older than 10 years drive price growth in Q1
Flats between 10 and 20 years old recorded the highest price growth of 11.1%.
Asia's uber rich looking at Singapore penthouses
A $4,200 per square foot for a penthouse at Midtown Modern has brought life back into the luxury market.
How Australia’s robust housing demand impacts banks and developers
Weakening housing affordability and falling net migration pose medium-term risks.
Hong Kong residential transaction volume hits 9-year high in March
The transaction volume increased 28.8% MoM in March to 5,891.
Singapore home price hike goes unabated for fourth consecutive quarter
Prices increased 3.3% in Q1 2021.
India’s new residential launches in Q1 2021 surpass 2020’s full-year totals
A total of 1,912 units were launched in New Delhi during the quarter.
A bumpy road to recovery looms for Jakarta’s apartment market
The demand growth in the market remains sluggish, making it hard to revise the asking prices.
Pave sees rising demand for overseas property investments
The firm helps buyers purchase cross-border and handles administration for clients.
Philippine residential prices to inch up 1.5% in 2022
The pace of growth will likely hinge on a rebound in office leasing.
These 3 properties bolstered Singapore’s impressive home sales in Q1
Over 42% of the 3,376 units sold during the quarter were from these properties.
Is Singapore up for another residential en bloc sales boom?
The previous boom happened in 2017 until mid-2018.
Hong Kong still the most expensive city in the world for expat housing
This is despite the 5.95% decrease in rents in 2020.
Ultra rich homebuyers in Singapore eager to snap up large, posh penthouses
They are after units with more than 3,000 square feet in the resale market.
Hong Kong sees second largest number of ‘super prime’ residential sales globally
The city recorded 169 transactions over US$10m in 2020, just behind London’s 201.
Hong Kong luxury residential leasing sluggish in Q1 as business activity levels remain depressed
All districts recorded more modest rental declines compared with Q4/2020.
OrangeTee founder new venture specialises in cross border real estate investment
Newcomer whyborder opened its portal in February 2021 with a set of promising deals and fast turn-around offers.
Which Japanese property sector suffered from the sharpest yield compression?
This sector saw a compression of 100bps in the last 3 years.