Why investors, landlords should decarbonise buildings now
Employees demand greener buildings, but 65% of them do not know about their employers’ sustainability efforts.
A recent survey conducted by JLL of 1,200 office workers in five countries across Asia Pacific (Australia, Greater China, India, Japan and Singapore) reveals that employees are increasingly driving the need for office buildings to implement sustainable solutions.
“Ignoring this clear shift in power could mean that you will be missing an opportunity to win the war on talent,” says JLL.
Here’s more from JLL:
65% of employees surveyed indicated that they are clueless about what their companies are doing about sustainability, while 50% expressed that they would much prefer a sustainability leader as their future employer.
From a previous survey of Asia Pacific corporates, we know that 66% of firms have already adopted sustainability goals with robust plans in place to achieve them. However, it’s evident that they haven’t done enough to involve their employees in this journey, causing a serious gap that would cost them top talent.
This is also a signal to investors and landlords that they should be partnering up to realign investment priorities into decarbonising buildings and increasing the stock of new net zero buildings.
Find out what employees are demanding.
Download the full report here.